Our Philosophy
We at the St. John Paul II Early Childhood Education Center are committed to provide a stimulating learning experience for young children in a sound, invigorating environment. Emphasis is placed on forming Christian character and values to help young children explore their relationship with God and to share their experiences in a n atmosphere of joy, peace and goodness, flowing from love.
Our goal is to create an appropriate climate of education for the development of the young child’s character with self-control, respect for one’s own dignity and for the rights of others, as well as helpfulness.
Structured and non-structured activities en-courage educational, spiritual, and social growth. The program provides opportunities for learning, play, story time, snack, and rest.
Individual and group activities are devised in a way to ensure maximum opportunity for three and four year olds to develop their independence, self reliance, confidence and permit their self-expression and creativity.